Must be talking to an Angel?

I have thought about this for many years and yes I do believe in angels, I’m not convinced they are superior beings with wings but I defiantly think they exists. Have you ever had your life go out of control? Have you ever been lost? Have you ever had people come into your life at these times and disappear when you are ok? These are your angels, real human beings, no halos, no wings but amazing presence.

There have been times of my life when I have met people who without realising it have been a huge influence on my life, they have picked me up when I have been low, boosted my confidence when I have needed it but they have not realised what they did for me. Life moves in strange patterns of emotions, there are times when you need guidance and help to get through them and that’s when your angels appear. They don’t disappear to hurt you but just because you simply no longer need them, sometimes they re appear years later and sometimes you never see them again. They don’t have to be good friends, sometimes only a fleeting conversation is sufficient, sometimes they are friends you have lost touch with and they come back into your life but they are sent from somewhere I’m sure of it.

I have learnt over the years you are responsible for your own happiness, no one can make you happy, it comes from within but sometimes you just need a nudge in the right direction. I met a couple when I was working in a bar about 7 years ago, at the time I was feeling a bit lost, I had had two break ups in six months, I was living with my mum and I wasn’t happy at work. They didn’t do anything, we chatted during my shifts gave me good advice from their stories and experiences but more than anything they boosted my confidence, I’m still not sure how but they did. I left the bar and didn’t see them again until 18 months ago after my heart was broken and I was staying with a friend because I didn’t have a permanent address, I took a job in different bar and there they were, every Saturday and again they boosted my confidence (again I’m still not sure how), they talked to me, I listened to them and although we are not great friends (I no longer work there and don’t see them anymore) I am aware that they have appeared in my life when I have needed them the most.

I’m not saying it’s fate, the jury is still out on the ‘everything happens for a reason’ theory not everyone you meet is good for you and sometimes you are the angel, you are the one to help someone else and you don’t have to be intelligent, philosophical or amazing maybe you will never know what you did or what you said that made the difference. An angel does not put your life right but gives you the courage to put your own life back on a positive path. So next time you connect with someone and then they fade out of your life don’t feel bad, don’t be angry even if cross words are said be happy in the knowledge that there is a chance you were their angel or they were yours and than a life has changed for the better.

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